Happy 30th Birthday Sayu!
15 surprises, two of us, 15*2=30 :)
1. Beard, toilet paper...
Cafe Juanita!
2. A neighbourhood purveyor of good times
3. An old companion
Too confidential
4. Flavour for your morning routine
Victrola beans!
5. Down to get down
Underground tour
6. Re-connect
Too confidential for site
7. The other roll
Momiji for dinner Saturday!
8. The freshest three
Tres leches!
9. Super secret (v)
Video from friends and family!
10. All it takes for a happy Sayu
11. A new coupon
1 free massage from Andrew, valid until 3/4/2026
12. A throwback
90s party
13. Relaxation por due
Couples massage
14. Rents
Parents visit!
15. Finally, they get to try it
Taking your parents to Mint!